If you are a cruise ship passenger or just visiting the island for business or pleasure, please visit the "Book a Tour" page to get a comprehensive quote. Or WhatsApp us on 1(767)616-2870.
Local Fares
The base fares below, unless otherwise stated are applicable where there are no more than 3 passengers. For trips with more than 3 passengers or where special considerations have to be made, please call 277-2463 | 616-2870 to get a quote.
Wait fee - XCD 50 hourly
Anse du Mé - $250.00
Atkinson - $190.00
Bagatelle - $120.00
Bataka - $190.00
Bath Estate - $15.00
Beau Bois - $50.00
Belles - $120.00
Belleview Rawl - $25.00
Bellevue Chopin - $55.00
Bense - $250.00
Bioche - $130.00
Boetica - $210.00
Calibishie - $270.00
Campbell - $60.00
Canefield - $30.00
Capucin - $250.00
Castle Bruce - $170.00
Castle Comfort - $30.00
Castle Comfort (upper) - $40.00
Citronier - $20.00
Clifton - $240.00
Cochrane - $60.00
Colihaut - $120.00
Copthall - $25.00
Cottage - $240.00
Coulibistrie - $100.00
Delices - $230.00
Dublanc - $140.00
Dubuc - $100.00
Eggleston - $50.00
Elmshall - $20.00
Fond Canie - $25.00
Fond St. Jean - $150.00
Fondcole - $20.00
Fortune - $30.00
Fortune (Upper) - $35.00
Galion - $80.00
Giraudel - $60.00
Glassgow - $25.00
Good Hope - $180.00
Goodwill - $15.00
Grand Bay - $70.00
Grand Bay (Heights) - $80.00
Grand Fond - $170.00
Jimmit - $50.00
Kingshill (Upper) - $25.00
La Plaine - $190.00
Laudat - $60.00
Layou - $60.00
Loubiere - $35.00
Louisville - $20.00
Macoucherie - $85.00
Mahaut - $45.00
Marigot - $200.00
Massacre (Hill) - $35.00
Mero - $80.00
Morne Daniel (Heights) - $40.00
Morne Prosper - $45.00
Morne Rachet - $110.00
Newtown - $15.00
Paix Bouche - $230.00
Penville - $240.00
Petite Savanne - $140.00
Petite Soufriere - $190.00
Pichelin - $60.00
Point Michel - $40.00
Pointe Michel - $45.00
Portsmouth - $220.00
Reigate (Kingshill) - $30.00
Riviere Cyrique - $180.00
Rosalie - $170.00
Roseau - $15.00
Saint Joseph - $70.00
Salisbury (Barroui) - $90.00
Salybia - $190.00
San Sauveur - $180.00
Scotts Head - $80.00
Shawford - $30.00
Sibuli (Massacre) - $40.00
Silver Lake - $20.00
Soufrière - $70.00
Stockfarm - $20.00
Sultan - $90.00
Tanetane/Savanne Paille - $220.00
Tarou - $55.00
Tarrish Pit - $20.00
Thibaud - $230.00
Toucari - $220.00
Trafalgar - $45.00
Vieille Case - $250.00
Wallhouse - $45.00
Warner - $60.00
Wesley (La Soie) - $220.00
Woodford Hill - $230.00
Wotten Waven - $50.00
Yampiece - $20.00